Community Griefwork

Next Live Class:

To be announced. Recording available below.

We all carry grief within ourselves—some of us in massive amounts. When this pain goes unprocessed or invalidated, it comes out sideways, sometimes transcending generations. It comes out as an illness, addiction, or destructive behavior. It tries to make itself known.

Grief is too big of a thing for one person to hold alone. The grief of individuals culminates into collective grief, the sum of which is displayed in our current world. When we let our grief be known and work to heal it, we build a community of collective support - one where we honor one another’s unique emotional landscapes and hold each other up when we are down. Community Griefwork explores how grief is practiced across different traditions, and how we might use some of those practices to process our own grief & support those around us. Healing begins here.

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The full course content, recorded live, to watch on your own time.