Referral Network

This network was made to support families and doulas in connecting with each other for hire, collaboration, and referrals. Doulas who have trained with us are recognized as Deathwives Certified Doulas. Profiles are organized by region and state - navigate to yours and click through to read the bios of your local doulas and learn about their specialties. Additionally, there is a resource guide at the bottom of the page with helpful learning materials for families & doulas in need.







Referral Network

Referral Network





International + Remote


  • Death may be inevitable, but dying alone or in fear does not have to be. Sacred Dying by theologian Megory Anderson is an essential testimonial and handbook for creating a dignified, peaceful, and more sacred end to life.

  • No One Has to Die Alone, by Lani Leary, offers the practical skills, vocabulary and insights needed to truly address needs of a dying loved one while caring for yourself through the process. 

  • An easy to read and practical resource guide, manual, template, and overview of best practices. This is an all-in-one collection by Lee Webster that every home funeral guide needs to ensure consistent, quality service that meet FTC regulations. 

  • Author Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross in a world-renowned medical doctor, psychiatrist and thanatologist known for her work with children and AIDS patients. She is credited with bringing the hospice movement to the United States. The Wheel of Life is her personal memoir on death and dying. 

  • By Lee Webster: A blueprint for change in your local agencies and institutions; includes inside information, examples of institutional policies, and tools for building relationships with local hospices, hospitals, and care facilities.

  • The National Home Funeral Alliance has published 4 guidebooks on the subject of home funerals. These collections are heartfelt and easy to understand guides for families to use in their time of need. 

  • This manual by Holly Stevens will teach you how to research state laws and identify your legal rights and responsibilities; how to handle, bathe and transport the body; and how to create and sustain an effective community care group. 

  • By Lee Webster: Checklists and suggestions to help make all the decisions needed for a home funeral family. Leave a meaningful legacy of trust by writing it all down; and then have the conversation with friends and loved ones. 

  • One of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, by Annie Kagan, takes you on an unprecedented journey into the mysteries of life beyond death. It has the potential to provide understanding and healing to the bereaved.

  • Considered a holy text, this ancient Buddhist holy book, hidden away for many centuries, reveals the secrets of enlightened living and life after death. This heavy text is suited better for study than easy reading. 

  • Grief is as natural and as inevitable as death - but our cultural taboo prohibits us from understanding grief as readily as we should. Columbus Recovery Center published two guides to help grievers understand their feelings and the effects of loss on their mental health.

    What You Need To Know About Grief

    Dealing With Depression


  • When your loved one dies, the corporate funeral industry will make you believe you only have a couple of options: burial or cremation. Package A or Package B. But it isn’t true. This $16.5 billion industry is a relatively modern invention. Across cultures and across time, everyday people have taken care of their dead. In this beautiful talk, death doula Erin Merelli shares how you can create a meaningful, deeply personal experience around the death of a loved one. “It will be scary at first,” she says, “But once you push past the fear, the only thing left is love.”


  • "A Family Undertaking" explores the home-funeral movement as it profiles advocates and families who are burying loved ones without the services of undertakers. The hour briefly visits a funeral-industry convention in Florida (where a speaker urges colleagues to provide a "meaningful death experience" for consumers), but mostly it focuses on families who provide what advocate Beth Knox calls their own "after-death care." 


  • Griefwalker is a National Film Board of Canada feature documentary film, directed by Tim Wilson.

    It is a lyrical, poetic portrait of Stephen Jenkinson’s work with dying people. Filmed over a twelve-year period, Griefwalker shows Jenkinson in teaching sessions with doctors and nurses, in counseling sessions with dying people and their families, and in meditative and often frank exchanges with the film’s director while paddling a birch bark canoe about the origins and consequences of his ideas for how we live and die.

  • The finality of death is overwhelming for a lot of people. In fact, more than half of Americans are “afraid” or “very afraid” of facing death, according to a Chapman University Study. But the birth of the “Death Positive” or “Death Wellness” movement is hoping to change the cultural mindset about dying. Available on Youtube.


  • Pediatric palliative care physician Dr. Nadia Tremonti works to ensure that terminally ill children receive quality end of life care.


  • This film brings a humorous clear, fresh look at death with ideas of delightful dying and going out with a bang and not a whimper. A time to rejoice. Alan talks about transcending yourself, going beyond your ego is the great preparation for death May all beings be kind to one another.


  • Thinking about death is frightening, but planning ahead is practical and leaves more room for peace of mind in our final days. In a solemn, thoughtful talk, Judy MacDonald Johnston shares 5 practices for planning for a good end of life.


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